“Steinway is the extension of my musical soul - the ultimate means by which I can express my artistic interpretations.”

Martha Blakely

Martha Blakely, Lyric Soprano and Concert Pianist, has been described as “…an exceptionally delicate pianist possessing an astonishingly energetic, dynamic touch which is delightful to hear” and as a singer with “a voice the world needs to hear.” She has performed on three continents in venues as varied as the US Embassies in Europe and Africa, the Goethe Institute in Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo), impromptu performances as the Resident American Pianist in Ghana, Prince George’s Philharmonic Concert Series, the French Embassy in Washington, DC, the Capital Centre for Luciano Pavarotti, etc. She has also been a featured pianist and vocalist with PG Philharmonic Big Band. Martha is a Steinway Artist and was for many years the Artist-in-Residence for Jordan Kitts Music. She currently sings First Soprano with the Baltimore Choral Arts Society and the City Choir of Washington. She is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music; an Adjudicator for Piano Guild; a member of NATS, MTNA, and MSMTA.






